We arrived to the birth of the light again - now 2007 too. This light from the endless one, breaks in from the unknowable one into the finite visible world. This light not somebody else, than the affection embracing everything. Between the man's elementary contacts the most ancient feelings one the affection. Our existence taller and from the synthesis of deeper energies fluctuating on his planes it is possible to explain it really - that not somebody else, than the divine ancestor energy that fills the universes, our Earth everything, which lives, and exists. Universe holding together enter sporting event, that streams eternal and palpitates, and it permeates time and the space. From the endless one, breaks in from the unknowable one into our visible world. The working of this strength organizes it into a system the universe. This, which is not a substance, commands it, directs it, governs it and induces the universe toward it, that with endless creativity, with unlimitted abundance and let him proclaim himself with confident precision the samples and forms by way of a billion. All holy books call this elusive energy affection. In all ages the real authors and poets and our world's schoolmasters and his saints shared their thoughts with us with pleasure from the affection. All this was made because of that, that let the stumbling humanity be helped in - the man -, in the dissolution of his fears. We are encouraged to the finding of the light, believes this ancient light seed resides in him in all souls, we conceal it before ourselves yet many times despite this.
The affection wipes everything off, everything crushes bad one, lifts all borders.
The most beautiful on the world
Is he the most beautiful day? - The today's.
Is he the biggest obstacle? - The fear.
The easiest? - The selfishness.
Is he the best entertainment? - The work.
Is he the worst failure? - The despair.
Is he the best schoolmaster? - The child.
Is he the most capital necessity? - To give yourself.
We does happy one? - To live for others.
Is he the biggest mistake? - The bad mood.
Is he the most vulgar emotion? - The revenge and the anger.
Is he the most beautiful gift? - The understanding.
The most indispensable? - The home.
Is he the pleasantest emotion? - The internal peace.
Is he the best solution? - The optimism.
Is he the biggest retribution? - The accomplished duty.
Is he the world's most lasting strength? - The faith.
Are they the most necessary people? - The parents.
The most beautiful on the world? - THE AFFECTION.
Kalkuttai Teréz mother
13 are saint Pál Korintusiaknak 1. letters.
I may speak the people you are the ore resounding only on the angels' language if there is not affection in me am you are a pengo zymbalon. May be predicting my talent, I may know it all secrets and all the science, I may move the mountains away with my faith if there is not affection in me, what I am not worth. I may share it out everything between the destitute ones, I may hand over my body burning victim, what does not use as me if there is not affection in me.
The affection patient, the affection kind-hearted, the affection not jealous, does not boast, not too disdainful. Felt, is not looking for his own good, does not flare up, does not bring up the bad one. Is not glad about the evil, the truth takes delight in his victory. Tolerates everything, believes everything, hopes for everything, tolerates everything. The affection never ceases. The predicting ends, the languages fall silent, the science looks small.
Now recognizing us only fractional, and fractional the predicting. If but is here the perfect, what is fractional it ends.
I spoke in that manner in my childhood, than the child, I was thinking in that manner, than the child, I judged in that manner, than the child. But I gave up the child's customs when I understand the manhood.
We see vague in a mirror simply yet today, then then from a colour onto a colour. Now yet only fractional my knowledge, I know everything the way I am known now then then. The faith remains till then, the hope and the affection, this the three, but from among them largest the affection.
Déri Zsuzsánna