A common of forestry strategy was born for harmonising the of forestry politics in 1998, then onto the realisation of this - with the definition of the most important intervention areas - the European commission 2006. June the 2007-2011. accepted it on 15 onto years sounding of forestry action plan. Worded ones tripping up the EU member states in their national forest programs has to be guaranteed in the above ones. In our homeland the national forest program onto the period between 2006-2015 the government 1110/2004. (X. 27.) accepted it in his No. order. With the national forest program with a national level, hypotenuse, one between sections and a repetitive politics planning process come true:
The development of state sylviculture
So proprietory, handler, an institution organism's forming necessary, that the state forest property provides attaining him for the population for his public services on a long distance.
On himself the development of sylviculture
The on himself sylviculture capital and it is necessary to reduce his device poverty. With starting the sylviculture on 9 of the percentages of the country's area, in the environmental state and it is necessary to attain a considerable improvement in the employment.
Country and regional development, afforestation, forest construction transformation
The afforestation of the areas being freed in the course of the transformation increases the national forest property, creates a job opportunity, and insures continuous employment, contributes to the development of the rural tourism furthermore and repairs the quality of the rural life.
Currently the country's woodland 2. 000 000 hectares. The effects of this has on the climate change are with outstanding significance. More billion forint national economic incomes arise annually expected after the carbon dioxide tied in the forest the 2008-2012-es in a trading period.
Environmentalism in the forests
It is not possible to restrict the conservation of the biological diversity of the forests to the protected areas merely. Rather the general protection of the sylvan ecosystems happening to nature-friendly sylvicultural methods, it is necessary to accomplish his treatment.
Modern forest protection
The forests play a considerable role in the soil formation and in the protection of the soils. Hereby the present forests yearly the decay of 32 million tons of loam is prevented. The loose soil plain one in areas 465 thousand hectares of forest the deflation and it play a considerable role in protection against desertification.
The maintainable game farming
It is necessary to base the game farming of the future on the natural populations before everything, the game keeping may play an additional role simply it more fruitful in the interest of hunting.
Rational tree utilisation
Ecological and from an economic viewpoint our fundamental national economic interest it can be produced, the increase of the use of environmentally friendly timber, in this manner the timber industrial and the correction of his social utilisation one of the determining elements of the whole program.
The tasks of the of forestry administration
It is necessary to develop the work of the of forestry administration in that manner, that enforcing the state will on his row in the given moment candidate social and vocational expectations let him take it into consideration maximal.
Research, education and production development
The development of the research and education influences the suitable scientific foundation of the program and the prerequisite of the practical realisation. Onto the production development the research and education practised because of his effect emphasized inside the program.
The correction of the relation of a man forest in his interest efficient communication from the forest
It is necessary to present the environmentally friendly effects of the duration sylviculture, the positive contribution of the services of the forest to the environmental state. We may talk about the undermentioned determining processes currently in the interest of the aims defined in the national forest program.
The transformation of the of forestry support scheme
The maintainable sylviculture, the forests defensive, one of the important devices of the of forestry support scheme, which is the section for his management in one, further the insurance of his public welfare services with an increasingly taller standard is. 1 300 accepted the use of a billion forints in New Hungary Rural Development Program the union. In the framework of the program the of forestry section, on one emphasized inside it the on himself sylviculture everything secures bigger support sources at one until now.
The actual legislation concerning the modification of the forest laws began, the result of which according to our hopes 2008. I. in a half-year by way of the parliament accepted our forest laws were renewed will be. This preparatory work with less or greater interruptions 2005. bald one, into which the widest circle of the concerned ones we were struggling along to involve, and we wish to apply this practice in the immediate future.
Benedek Fülöp,
it onto FVM state secret