Onto the Hungarian network's operating was formed ITD Hungary Exclusive Share Company thought a press conference of a consortium. Enterprise Europe Network clamps an organism dealing with together with 500 undertaking developments. His task beside the broadcasting of the union commercial politics the increase of the undertakings' competitiveness, the extension of their financing opportunities - Herczog Edit EU on a sign related it on the press conference parliamentarian representative. Added it to it: provides a serious opportunity for the Hungarian entrepreneurs because it separated money here not with a distribution according to a quota, but into the network joining, EU any citizens of his may claim it onto his undertaking's development. The Hungarian consortium was formed because of this, that let him provide help for the entrepreneurs in a dog.
The co-ordinator of a consortium running the network on Hungary the Hungarian investment stimulation and trade development agency, ITD Hungary ESC, his members though commercial and chambers of industry (Győr, Pécs, Székesfehérvárott, in Debrecen and on Szeged), the Hungarian undertaking development network a consortium's county organisms (on Zalaegerszeg and on Nyíregyháza), or InnoStart Foundation. The network's work another three chamber participating helps it in Salgótarján, on Szolnok and on Szekszárd.
The consortium's members introduced themselves on the press conference. Pongorné Csákvári Marianna, InnoStart a foundation's headmaster, called attention to the fact that the consortium's members vouche a serious responsibility joining the network because the network reached to his operating beside an EU support with the money being equal to the sum of a support they have to be added to him.
The undertakings' nation alley, on the union market truth their active participation, the technology transfer, the innovation and a number service helps in the increase of the small and medium-sized enterprises' competitiveness inside this: the network organizes infromational programs, gives advice cut to fit a firm, inland and foreign country businessman meetings, innovational, conferences, technology transfer organizes programs.
In European Union's research-developmental framework program, it FP7 in applications truth participation a number service supports it, the network helps with the international partner search, an application author organizes programs.
For the undertakings the network's most important benefit the full regional presence and beside the vocational competence it so-called „no wrong door” concept - Dobos Erzsébet related it, the headmaster of Enterprise Europe Network Hungary network the network entering a following Budapest press conference. Let the undertaking turn to the network's offices anywhere - in Europe, on Hungary, you are on Budapest on Szeged - everywhere uniform services can be reached for him - the headmaster woman added it to it.
The co-ordinator of the consortium running the domestic network ITD Hungary ESC attention emphasized in the course of his activity until now consecrated onto the small and medium-sized enterprises' helping. In the course of his business development activity they onto a foreign market his step, through his earlier Euro Info Centre - which one was the successful member of the commission's undertaking development network outstanding - favoured preparing them till now – Rétfalvi György related it, the agency's leader, emphasized that he is ITD Hungary ESC beside the network's services then his full toolbar in the future available for the undertakings.